Interprovincial Regatta

A local Inter-provincial event between Wellington and Whanganui will be held in Whanganui on the 9th and 10th October 2021. This is a chance for Wellington rowers to train and race alongside new people, under new coaches, and will enable athletes to showcase their winter training; providing an 'end goal' and a purpose to their hard work in what has been a difficult few months. This squad is targeted towards athletes classified as either U20 or Open, and will be selected on the basis of erg scores, past results, and discussions with coaches.

We are calling for nominations to coach various crews for this event. Athletes will be applying as part of an established 2X or 2- and will continue with their own training for this. There is a possibility of an additional ‘Wellington Inter-provincial Squad’ training. At the event, we will be merging crews to form big boats.